Tag Archives: guardianship

Inhuwoman is Extreme for Inhuman



Given fake medical excuses to deliver to her schoolteacher, for the noticeable continuous absences. Absent from school to be taken to an apartment. One filled with hungry unrestrained beasts, starving for a-7-year-old tender meat.

A reward is given to many of those who tolerate the deterioration of a low socioeconomic life. Although, in our culture, a women giving birth to a girl is often not as satisfying as of giving birth to a boy, yet only a few recognize its benefits. Those who recognize the benefits believe that a blessing is to be granted in return to their patience towards awaiting the celebration of the magical birth of a baby girl. Empty stomachs will be fed, the muscular race will be maintained, the addicts’ relapses will be treated, the drugs will be bought and the grudges held on those who had this life determined will be freed. A girl is born.

A Glimpse of Inhuwoman Acts:
–  The guardian drops the girl off at an apartment, makes sure she’s in safe and promising hands and leaves. Her guardian returns, picks the daughter up. She asks: why? He replies: Don’t you want to help us make money for our family? He silences her, but not forever.
– The girl’s guardian organizes an illegal marriage between the, now grown girl 5-6 years later, and a man who stays at a private room.
– The guardian dresses her up nicely to cover up the childish face with sexually appealing nightgowns. He pushes her towards the room where the man awaits. She cries. Guardian beats her up. She submits. She enters the room. But not forever.
But not forever:
– A family member reports to the police.
– The guardian is put behind bars, but tries to escape through a wasta…..

The girl turned 16. We met. She spoke. I listened. Where is the girl? I see a girl that was made a woman!! She has a chance.

Mother Roulin With Her Baby